Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker
Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker

windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker
  1. #Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker install#
  2. #Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker serial#
  3. #Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker drivers#
  4. #Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker update#

#Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker install#

USB_Install.CoInstallers: This section, which includes the referenced AddReg and CopyFiles sections, contains data and instructions to install the WinUSB and KMDF co-installers and associate them with the device. If your INF needs to copy files, you must not use the DefaultDestDir directive here. HKR,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"WdfCoInstaller01011.dll,WdfCoInstaller","WinUsbCoInstaller2.dll" For more information, see Using a Universal INF File. We recommend that you provide a universal INF. Starting in Windows 10, version 1709, the Windows Driver Kit provides InfVerif.exe that you can use to test a driver INF file to make sure there are no syntax issues and the INF file is universal. The following INF installs WinUSB as the OSR USB FX2 board's function driver on a 圆4-based system. The hardware ID string format is "USB\VID_vvvv&PID_pppp". You can obtain the hardware ID for the function from the properties of the devnode in Device Manager. If you are installing WinUSB as the function driver for one of the functions in a USB composite device, you must provide the hardware ID that is associated with the function, in the INF. Vendors can use the "USBDevice" setup class for devices that do not belong to another class and are not USB host controllers or hubs. For info on creating a catalog file, see Creating a Catalog File for Test-Signing a Driver Package.Īlso notice that the setup class is set to "USBDevice". For example, provide an appropriate manufacture's name, the name of your signed catalog file, the correct device class, and the vendor identifier (VID) and product identifier (PID) for the device. You should also change the version, manufacturer, and model sections as necessary. inf file shows WinUSB installation for most USB devices with some modifications, such as changing USB_Install in section names to an appropriate DDInstall value. inf file that installs Winusb.sys as the function driver for the USB device. Writing a custom INF for WinUSB installationĪs part of the driver package, you provide an.

windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker

Note: If you change the physical port then you must repeat steps 1 through 4. Set the value to the GUID you generated in step 2.ĭisconnect the device from the system and reconnect it to the same physical port. Under the Device Parameters key, add a String registry entry named DeviceInterfaceGUID or a Multi-String entry named DeviceInterfaceGUIDs. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\ Generate a device interface GUID for your device, by using a tool such as guidgen.exe.įind the registry key for the device under this key: Load the driver as described in the preceding procedure.

windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker

You must add the GUID manually by following this procedure. The preceding procedure does not add a device interface GUID for an app (UWP app or Windows desktop app) to access the device.

#Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker serial#

If Universal Serial Bus devices does not appear in the list of device classes, then you need to install the driver by using a custom INF. From the list of device classes, select Universal Serial Bus devices.

#Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker drivers#

Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer.In the wizard, select Browse my computer for driver software.

#Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker update#

Select and hold (or right-click) the device and select Update driver software.Open Device Manager and locate the device.Plug in your device to the host system.Otherwise follow these instructions to load the driver: When you connect your device, you might notice that Windows loads Winusb.sys automatically (if the IHV has defined the device as a WinUSB Device). Installing WinUSB by specifying the system-provided device class When you connect a WinUSB device, the system reads device information and loads Winusb.sys automatically.įor more information, see WinUSB Device. Such a device is called a WinUSB device and does not require you to write a custom INF file that references in-box Winusb.inf. If you are a customer experiencing USB problems, see Troubleshoot common USB problems Automatic installation of WinUSB without an INF fileĪs an OEM or independent hardware vendor (IHV), you can build your device so that the Winusb.sys gets installed automatically on Windows 8 and later versions of the operating system.

Windows 8.1 lifehacker usb installer maker